Ok, I admit, I have changed up what I do a lot in the past 4 years :)
Some have taken it as a great change and others have asked my why.....
Well, here's the answer.....
I like change! When I started making Daribum's, they were mainly for my babies and close friends. Then I decided to sell them.... Well, my last baby is getting close to Potty Learning and frankly I am just tired of sewing diapers.
I tired my hand at yarn dyeing, sells didn't do to good for me there, and I was more giving away my yarn and couldn't really replenish any of the stock, so I let that go and went back to diapers.
I still get requests for diapers and would be happy if any previous customers ask me to make a few :)
I also make mama cloth, love doing it, will continue to do it!
Well then I ventured onto soap! I LOVE making soap and will probably continue to do so until the day I die! Lots and lots of fun and creativity goes into making soap.....
This is what leads me to today..... I love being creative and getting to change things up.... I LOVE dyeing! Plain and simple. I love the look of a finished product.
So in a nutshell, I am done with diapers and will stick to dyeing, soap, and some mama cloth!